Join Me at Nightmare on Chicago Street 2023

March 16, 2023

Attention all you zombies and ghouls! The spookiest street party of the year is coming up on October 21st, 2023, in Elgin, IL - "Nightmare on Chicago Street." This event is not to be missed if you want to get into the Halloween spirit and have a frightfully good time.

I'm excited to announce that I'm planning on attending and selling my unique and captivating artwork at this year's event. My artwork is perfect for all you horror fans out there who love a little bit of the macabre mixed in with some vibrant colors. Based on nude figures, my artwork is distorted and altered in Photoshop to create bizarre and interesting body horror pieces that will leave a lasting impression.

Freak Like MeFreak Like MeModel: Shannon Dunne

In the grand marble palace, beyond the mortal realm, lived a being known only as the "Freak Like Me." Her appearance was a strange and terrifying sight to behold, with multiple hands protruding from her body in various locations. She was a being of great power, with a heart that beat with a deep love for all creatures.

The palace was a place of ethereal beauty, filled with pastel colors of pinks, reds, purples, and blues, much like the artwork that depicted the Freak Like Me. But beneath the surface of this beautiful world, the Freak Like Me struggled.

Her many hands were not a gift but a curse, a constant reminder of her difference from the rest of the world. She had been born into a world that did not understand her, and the many hands that protruded from her body only added to the fear and rejection that she faced.

The Freak Like Me had the power to heal, to bring hope to the world, but she was also trapped in her own struggle. She longed for acceptance, for understanding, but it seemed that the rest of the palace would never accept her for who she truly was.

And so, she continued to roam the grand halls of the palace, her many hands always ready to aid those in need. But the pain and the struggle never left her. It was a constant battle, one that she fought with every fiber of her being.

As the years passed, the Freak Like Me began to realize that her curse was not just physical, but emotional as well. The pain and rejection had taken their toll on her, and she found herself struggling to hold onto the love that she had once held so dear.

And in the midst of all her pain, there was the hand that clutched her heart. It was a hand of her own, a reminder of the love that she held so dear, but also a reminder of the pain that came with that love. Her heart was heavy, burdened with the weight of a world that would never truly accept her for who she was.

One day, as she stood alone in the grand halls of the palace, with her many hands raised in a gesture of peace, she let out a loud screech. It was a cry of pain, a cry of frustration, and a cry for help.

To her surprise, a gentle hand reached out to her. It was the hand of a kindred spirit, another being who had also been rejected by the rest of the palace. And in that moment, the Freak Like Me knew that she was not alone.

At "Nightmare on Chicago Street," you'll have the chance to see my artwork up close and personal. And the best part? You can purchase prints to take home with you! Each print will be sold for $20 and will be physically at the event for sale, already signed, with cardboard backing, and sealed in archival sleeves to ensure their quality. I will be accepting both cash and credit cards, so you can purchase your favorite piece with ease.

I work with third-party printers to ensure that my prints are of the highest quality, created using professional-grade printing techniques and materials. The vivid hues of my artwork contrast with the dark and unsettling subject matter, creating a unique and captivating visual experience.

FibonacciFibonacciArt by: A.J. Olson

The Seven Skulls of Fibonacci are a mysterious and ancient artifact that hold the secrets of the universe. They are carved from a rare and hard stone that is grey in appearance, and each one bears a number on its forehead that corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical pattern that is found throughout nature and related to the golden ratio. The skulls are arranged in a spiral formation that mimics this pattern, creating a harmonious and symmetrical design.

The origin of these skulls is unknown, but legends say they were created by an advanced civilization that mastered the power of stone and mathematics. Some say they were Atlanteans, others say they were aliens, and others say they were gods. Whoever they were, they left behind these skulls as a testament to their knowledge and wisdom.

The skulls are said to have mystical properties that can unlock the mysteries of creation and destruction. They can reveal the secrets of life and death, time and space, matter and energy. They can also grant incredible abilities or curses to those who possess them or come into contact with them.

The skulls are hidden in a dark realm between worlds, where only the brave or foolish dare to venture. They are surrounded by smoke and darkness, creating an ominous atmosphere. They have no lower jaws attached, giving them a sinister appearance.

The Seven Skulls of Fibonacci are a legendary artifact that capture the beauty and mystery of the universe. They invite us to imagine their origin and purpose, their power and danger. They challenge us to explore our own curiosity and courage in seeking out the unknown.

By buying my artwork, you'll be supporting an independent artist who has been perfecting their craft for over a decade. Each piece is created with care and attention to detail, making them a truly special addition to any art collection.

So come out and join me at "Nightmare on Chicago Street" for a spooktacular time! With live music, food vendors, and plenty of Halloween decorations, this event is sure to be a scream. And if you're looking for some unique and captivating artwork to add to your collection, my booth is the place to be. Don't miss out on this frightfully good time!

Baroness Timelapse By AJ Olson
For more information about tickets and the event, please visit:

To view the complete gallery of my dark artwork, please visit:

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